Innovation Readiness Assessment



Q. Is my data secure?
A. Yes, all data is encrypted in transportation and at rest. Data is secured on an instance basis, meaning we make sure only the right people can access the right fields in the database. Access to those database is password protected using multi-factor authentication.
Q. How about GDPR?
A. The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individual citizens of the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. As many of the users of Measure/Next services are in the EU or in organizations that abide by it - so do we. You can access your GDPR data and request to have all your data deleted from the Settings menu after you sign in.
Q. Are my answers anonymous?
A. Absolutely, assesments and benchmarks work best with honest anonymity, which means fellow contributors (or people within your own organization if they are adminstering an assessment) will not know your answers and you won't know theirs. If data is exported a non-identifiable key is used - so no names, emails, or identifable data.


Q. What does the benchmark mean?
A. Our assessments and benchmarks are a quick and simple way to establish standardized baselines that offer an independent perspective about your readiness compared to other people and organizations.
The Measure/Next Benchmark Index is a number between 0-5, where 5 represents the most advantageous level for a given assessment's outcome. The benchmark can be used for comparative purposes, tracking changes over time, and for indicating areas of focus for maximum improvement.
  • >4 Thriving
    Reflects the highest level of readiness. Although there are still areas for improvement, the likelihood of success is very high.
  • 3-4 Striving
    Reflects a level of readiness that has the potential to provide success more often than not.
  • 2-3 Developing
    Reflects islands of readiness, but significant friction exists.
  • 1-2 Struggling
    Reflects a challenging state of readiness. Few pieces being in place for your innovation system. Substantial vulnerability to adverse results remains.
  • <1 Weakening
    Reflects a fragile state of readiness. Your innovation efforts will result in sporadic success and widespread underachievement.
Q. How is the benchmark calculated?
A. That's pretty complex. Based on specific responses, groups of responses, and branches of responses based on previous responses an overall score is calculated and then converted to your Measure/Next Benchmark Index score.
Q. What are the different benchmarks?
A. Benchmarks are a representation of a set of answers. Typically you can see your Individual Benchmark and the Community Benchmark of your peers, i.e. other people who have anonymously completed the assessment. Also, in some situations, a Cohort Benchmark, which is a specified group of contributors, e.g. within an organization or attendees at an event.