Innovation System: Platform

Global Partners Program

Become a Solve Next Partner.

Partner with Solve Next to bring world-class innovation knowledge, tools, skills, and solutions to local clients with local expertise at local pricing.


Solve Next Global Partners bring world-class innovation to underserved markets in a sustainable way by creating platforms, processes, and building capabilities in local companies, organizations, and communities.

Solve Next Partners deliver a proven system of innovation that is built upon:

  • A cloud-based, software as a service platform, enabling organizations to use tested innovation methodologies.

  • A global distribution network of local entrepreneurs with their fingers on the pulse of the local culture, economy, and challenges.

  • A record of results at leading organizations—from Google and Airbus to the United States Air Force and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

What Partners get.

  • A well-recognized brand and global reputation

  • A growing roster of well-known global clients

  • A growing global community of members and partners

  • Continually improving content, frameworks, and tools

  • Continually improving innovation software

  • New training and professional development opportunities

  • Additional products and services to offer your clients

  • Recurring business and revenue growth

What Solve Next gets.

  • Representation of Solve Next and our community as you would like to be represented

  • Active participation in the global Solve Next Community

  • Contribution to the continuous improvement of Solve Next content, products, and services

  • Positive change in our communities, regions, and countries

  • Scale through local entrepreneurs, innovators, and agents of change 

If you are ready to bring rigor to how your clients innovate, contact us.