Think Wrong Facilitator Training

Become a Think Wrong Instigator.

(dates) Lead innovation, change, and growth heroes to what’s next.


Together we will achieve:

  • The Think Wrong Facilitator Intensive is designed to equip you with the knowledge, language, frameworks, tools, and skills to help others think wrong about challenges—big and small.

    When you learn to facilitate the Think Wrong System for your organization or clients, you’ll be prepared to spot moments of need and have the practical skills and tools to respond.

    • Apply frameworks to organize your thinking and your actions.

    • Use drills to discover pains, problems, and opportunities that matter.

    • Design, produce, run, and report on a Think Wrong Sprints and Sessions.

    • Find fresh inspiration.

    • Generate status-quo busting solutions.

    • Test crucial assumptions and protect precious capital through small bets and prototyping.

    • Build alignment, engagement, advocacy, and trust.

  • Day 1: Light Breakfast. Intro to Think Wrong Frameworks.Intro to Problem Finding.Lunch.Intro to Challenge Framing.Intro to the Next Lab.Review of Think Wrong Practice Blitz.

    Day 2: Facilitate Think Wrong Practice Blitz.Lunch.Facilitate Think Wrong Practice Blitz.

    Day 3: Light Breakfast.Facilitate Think Wrong Practice Blitz.Intro to Discovery-Driven Development.Lunch.Think Wrong Habit Builder Set-up.Certification Celebration.

  • Our 3-day in-person intensive are followed by sessions focused on getting the most out of the Next Lab, and one-on-one coaching sessions to prepare for sprints.

    You’ll also get our top-selling book, Think Wrong: How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters, and a 12-month Next Lab Professional membership.

    At the completion of the intensive, you’ll receive your Wrong Thinker Certification.


123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345


(555) 555-555


Pay here.


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Years of experience